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Thoroughly clean up water after a flood or leak, as mold thrives on moisture. If the water source is from within the walls, you will need to open them up to completely dry them, lest create a potential mold habitat. 

Ensure an exhaust fan is installed in rooms with excessive moisture and humidity, for example bathrooms, or open up windows to reduce humidity and dry up any wetness.

Aside from the unpleasant, musty odor, indicative signs of mold can be small, blackish rings or discoloring on your walls or ceilings. A chronic cough or skin rash can also be a warning sign of existing mold.

Removing mold on your own can turn a mountain into a molehill. While you may try to remove mold on your own, if it is not properly contained, the mold will end up spreading. It is also very likely that you will not detect mold in certain hard to get to areas. Additionally, inhalation and exposure to mold can cause serious respiratory conditions. Only a professional mold removal company can properly identify, contain and safely clean a mold-ridden home or commercial space.

Good news! The answer is no. We bill your insurance directly, relieving you of the stresses dealing with insurance companies can bring. We are in steady contact with the public adjuster, ensuring your claim is covered.

Contact Pedcore as soon as possible. Standing water is a serious problem and can cause irreparable damage to your walls, floors etc. as well as mold. Do not wait. Act fast and we will be there soon to extract the water and begin the drying process.

It can be difficult to determine water damage caused by a hidden leak, but you can still be on the vigil. Be wary of bubbling patches on your walls and ceilings. Wipe down visible pipes and plumbing, checking for wetness and water stains.

We operate 24/7. In the case of an emergency, we respond to your call right away and send down a professional to secure the scene as soon as possible.  

Although seemingly trivial, this is a question we frequently get. YES, drying equipment must stay turned on continuously to ensure complete and effective drying. Do not turn off equipment unless instructed to do so.

The answer is no. Although you may not see any smoke, there may be smoke particles stuck in your house. Smoke inhalation is dangerous and needs to be addressed right away. You might grow accustomed to the smell, but the danger is still there and the smoke needs to be professionally cleaned and aired out.

Some surfaces can be wiped down with vinegar and other mild detergents to remove soot,  albeit a difficult and greasy task. However, walls, woodworks and other materials will absorb soot to a certain degree, making it very difficult to remove. Professional soot cleaning with the right equipment is advisable.

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Contact Pedcore today. We will brush away any concerns, answer your questions and deliver our promise: Restoring purity to the air you breathe.

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